chatter: From the porch they could hear the chitter chatter of the squirrels. cheep: "Cheep, cheep" went the young bird as his mother feed him. chime: The chime of the bell woke Henry from his deep sleep. chirp: "Chirp, chirp" said the mother bird when feeding her babies. chitter: The chitter chatter of the monkeys made the children laugh when their class visited the Zoo. clang: Young Edward laughed as he bashed his mother's cooking pots together with a loud clang. clank: There was a repetitive clank as the old printing press worked through the night. clap: With a loud clap of the magician's hands his assistant disappeared. clatter: There was a clatter as the dishes were put on the shelf. click: Click, the key turned in the lock and the door opened. clink: Clink went the guest's glasses after the wedding toast. cluck: "Cluck, cluck" sounded the hen as she looked pecked about for her breakfast. crack: "Crack! Crack!", went the cowboy's whip at the rodeo. crackle: There was a crackle of burning leaves as the bonfire was lit. crunch: The boy crushed the soda can with a loud crunch! cuckoo: "Cuckoo ,cuckoo", cried the cuckoo bird. |